VINAGRETE, or Brazilian Vinaigrette
This is a side dish usually served with Feijoada, which adds the perfect lightness that a beans stew needs. Made with one tomato it'll...
Do you find cooking LOBSTER NEWBURG a challenging task?
The first time I had to make Lobster Newburg as part of the recipes I had chosen among dishes that are believed to be...
SOPHISTICATED CULINARY: New York famous Waldorf Salad
The Waldorf salad was first served at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in the last decade of the 19th century in New York City. Back then,...
CULINARIA: Como Fazer Húmus–Tahine E Grão-de-bico
O húmus é muito conhecido na culinária árabe. Trata-se simplesmente de uma mistura de grão-de-bico cozido e pasta de gergelim (tahine). Além de delicioso,...
How about a healthy and delicious grilled cheese and tomato sandwich?
Easy to make, a grilled cheese doesn't require much knowledge in the kitchen. In other words, if you are an inexperienced cook, you will...