The Seeing Place’s Charming “Zoom” A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM


The Seeing Place – Midsummer Program

Theater may be New York City’s most prestigious form of art. Do we have to say that? Well, during a pandemic…

The Seeing Place figured out a wonderful way to broadcast a live performance using Zoom. The reading of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” done by a talented group of actors. This production was done to raise funds for the LGTBQIA+ communities during this difficult time the world is going through.

“One turf shall serve as pillow for us both,” says Lysander, a woman, to the woman she is in love with, Hermia. This twisted plot of one of Shakespeare’s most well-known plays was adapted for queer folks, thus characters Lysander is a woman and Thisbe is a man.
This reading is very enjoyable to watch. The actors rehearsed it quite well, and delivered a great performance from their own homes across America. The Zoom backgrounds were carefully chosen with surprisingly good special effects–notably Bottom’s donkey head–and it turned out to be better than we would anticipated. For people who are looking for renting their own homes, this link needs to be checked out!
These performances benefit the Ali Forney Center, a center for LGTBQIA+ homeless youth, the second recipient of the 2020 Ripple For Change Award.
Kudos to The Seeing Place!
THEATRE REVIEW by Lucas Eller with Allen Hubby, The Drama Book Shop