List of Irregular Verbs (Lista de Verbos Irregulares)

Infinitive/Present Past Participle Translation 1 arise arose arisen surgir 2 awake awoke awoken acordar, despertar 3 be was/were been ser, estar 4 bear bore born(e) aguentar, suportar 5 beat beat beaten bater, derrotar 6 become became become tornar-se, vir a ser 7 begin began begun começar 8 bend bent bent dobrar, torcer 9 bet bet bet apostar 10 bind bound bound ligar, atar 11 bite bit bitten morder 12 bleed bled bled sangrar 13 blow blew blown soprar 14 break broke broken quebrar 15 breed bred bred procriar, gerar 16 bring brought brought trazer 17 broadcast broadcast broadcast difundir 18 build built built construir 19 burn burned burned/burnt queimar 20 burst burst burst estourar, arrebentar 21 buy bought bought comprar 22 can could … (been able) poder, conseguir 23 catch caught caught pegar 24 choose chose chosen escolher 25 cling clung clung ligar-se a 26 come came come vir, chegar 27 cost cost cost custar 28 creep crept crept assustar 29 cut cut cut cortar 30 deal dealt dealt lidar 31 dig dug dug cavar 32 do did done fazer 33 draw drew drawn desenhar 34 dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed sonhar 35 drink drank drunk beber 36 drive drove driven dirigir 37 eat ate eaten comer 38 fall fell fallen cair 39 feed fed fed alimentar 40 feel felt felt sentir 41 fight fought fought lutar 42 find found found encontrar 43 fly flew flown voar 44 forbid forbade forbidden proibir 45 forget forgot forgotten esquecer 46 forgive forgave forgiven perdoar 47 freeze froze frozen congelar 48 get got gotten pegar, conseguir 49 give gave given dar 50 go went gone ir 51 grind ground ground moer 52 grow grew grown crescer 53 hang hung hung pendurar 54 have had had ter, possuir 55 hear heard heard escutar 56 hide hid hidden esconder 57 hit hit hit bater, espancar 58 hold held held segurar 59 hurt hurt hurt machucar, magoar 60 keep kept kept manter 61 kneel knelt knelt ajoelhar 62 know knew known saber, conhecer 63 lay laid laid pôr (ovos) 64 lead led led liderar 65 lean leaned/leant leaned/leant encostar 66 learn learned learned/learnt aprender 67 leave left left deixar, sair 68 lend lent lent emprestar 69 lie...

List of 100 Regular Verbs

No. Verb Simple Past Past Participle Portuguese 1 to want wanted wanted querer 2 to look looked looked olhar 3 to use used used usar 4 to work worked worked trabalhar 5 to call called called chamar, ligar 6 to try tried tried tentar 7 to ask asked asked perguntar, pedir 8 to need needed needed precisar 9 to seem seemed seemed parecer 10 to help helped helped ajudar, socorrer 11 to talk talked talked conversar 12 to turn turned turned tornar, virar 13 to start started started começar, iniciar 14 to play played played jogar, tocar, brincar 15 to...

Temperatures in Fahrenheit and Celsius

The formula to convert the temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit is this: (0°C × 9/5) + 32 = 32°F Here is a list of the most...

WH-questions and Related Words

VOCABULARY FOR THIS CLASS What…about? – sobre o quê? about fashion – sobre moda this – este/a that – aquele/a dark – escuro what does he do for a living?...

Present Continuous (Presente Contínuo)

I am cooking – estou cozinhando you are using – você está usando he is dying – ele está morrendo she is living – ela está vivendo it...

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