What if there had been TV reporters at the time of Jesus’ birth?

Mezzo-Soprano Debra Patchell sang "O Thou That Tellest Glad Tiding to Zion". She will be touring with Amocanti in Spring 2011.

Sopranos and tenors, actresses and actors, a funny story and professional voices of the opera: classical music…

Would you  think that might have happened over two thousand years ago? Probably not! But it certainly happened in December 2010 in New York City, at the historic St. John’s Lutheran Church in Greenwich Village.

Soprano Merilyn Vondra wrote "Broadcast from Bethlehem".

“Broadcast from Bethlehem”, an annual event, is a comedy written by Marilyn Vondra for MPITS Production. The 2011 version is planned for weekends beginning after Thanksgiving through the New Year holiday. We will keep you posted for the dates and possible new location.

Mary Leggio plays "Tammy Touric", a reporter who gets drunk through the broadcasting. Her best line: "Bethlehem is totally lit up -- and so am I!"

Some of what you’ll be seeing onstage includes a drunk reporter, a beautiful, sexy and not-much-on-to-wear reporter, a Sarah Palin-style young reporter who doesn’t know what he’s saying, a handsome and charming reporter promoting the next movie he’ll be in… broadcasting from the place where Jesus was born; they can hardly remember the baby’s name. This is when TV news are not just like TV news, they become THE big thing! More than reality itself! This is done to sell news and it sells.

Tenor DavidMichael Schuster.

Besides the funny broadcast, you’ll be listening to beautiful voices of the opera, such as DavidMichael Schuster, Debra Patchell, Elena Heimur, Courtney Ross, Kristin Behrmann, among other stunningly talented singers.

Throughout 2011, Viva will be publishing interviews and more detail about “Broadcast from Bethlehem”, including a casual interview tenor DavidMichael Schuster gave me while we were on the ferry from Jersey City to Manhattan. This is the type of performance you don’t wanna miss!