WH-questions and Related Words



What…about? – sobre o quê?

about fashion – sobre moda

this – este/a

that – aquele/a

dark – escuro

what does he do for a living? – em que ele trabalha?

worried – preocupado

misplace – perder, esquecer em algum lugar

wallet – carteira

like to study/ like studying – gostar de estudar

because – porque

fun – divertido

really – realmente, de verdade

half – meio

past – depois de (tempo)

half past eight – meia hora depois das 8/oito e meia

foot – pé

foot long – do comprimento de um pé (30,48 cm)

go – ir

once – uma vez

twice – duas vezes

three times, four times – três vezes, quatro vezes

about twice a week – cerca de 2 vezes por semana

so often – com bastante frequência

often enough to – com frequência o suficiente para

which way – para que lado

the wind – o vento

blowing – soprando

blowing south – soprando para o sul

apparently – aparentemente

so expensive – tão caro

I know – eu sei

real estate – mercado imobiliário

people – pessoas

on his book launch – no lançamento do livro dele

indeed – de fato


What is this?

It’s a book.

What is the book about?

It’s about fashion.


What is that?

That’s a house.

What color is the house?

It’s dark blue.


What’s your name?

My name is Allen.

Where do you live, Allen?

I live in Manhattan.


Who is he?

He is Brad Pitt.

What does he do for a living?

He’s an actor.


When is your birthday?

It’s on September 11th.


Why are you worried?

Because I misplaced my wallet.


How do you like studying English?

It’s fun. I really love it.


What time is it?

It’s half past eight.


Whose car is this?

It’s mine.

What a beautiful car!

Thank you!


What size is your foot?

It’s a foot long.


How often do you go to the theater?

About twice a week.

That seems so often.

Often enough to enjoy it.


Which way is the wind blowing?

It’s blowing south, apparently.


How much is that apartment?

It’s a million dollars.

So expensive!

I know! I hate Manhattan real estate!


How many people greeted him on his book launch?

About a hundred.

Very nice!
